For me it didn’t quite happen that way…
it happened gradually at first
and then all at once,
but no brightness.
I woke and found out that someone had
cut a hole in my vision
where the world should have been, and
I know there’s nothing behind it --
because if there was I would have seen it.
I’ve heard of ghost pains, but I never thought
they’d happen to me.
When I sleep, I can sometimes
feel my eyesight itching-
so I reach for my pencil and
scratch at it with the tip,
trying to write on my brain
what the world used to look like.
Not even Piñiero got his for free.
But is that what I’m doing now?
Buying the dreams
shelved in lost corners
on coffee shop stages?
No cash in my pockets,
Just my Visa.
Only Discover.
Discover? The brightest, the best,
the most originally unoriginal.
Not the dreamer who can’t
put one and one together,
let alone two
with the almost-right word. The one
whose ideas
generate one-liners in the wrong place
at the right time to
buy bodega sold dreams.
The shingles are discolored.
Did they do that on purpose?
Their sheet --
Pink and white blowing in the wind.
Like its own little nation.
Walking down the street becomes an endless dance with the cars.
Stop or go.
Stop or go.
Glad you made up your mind.
I always like to walk with one foot on Private Property.
The ground is still squishy.
I always knew the ground moved under my feet, and today I can feel it.
It smells like watermelon by the sign of the missing girl.
Weird. I pass that sign everyday.
What’s the girl’s name?
Ariel, I think.
Hey it’s the abandoned lot where we play football.
Don’t they realize its all luck.
I’m not philosophical.
I’m not logical.
I’m not emotional.
Everyone can lie to us, but what’s the truth?
I’m ignorant.
I’ll be here forever.
I wonder the odds.
I’ve always hated my own possibilities.
“GOOD GOD JUDITH, what kinda filth are you foppin’ off on me???”Blushing in embarrassment, Judith lightly craned her chin towards Leverle, pinching his elbow near the arm of the chair as though the subtlety of the move would somehow override the bellowing of her counterpart.
“It’s the only other book I have,” she whispered, “And I only brought two because I was fixin’ to finish that one. So you just consider yourself lucky to have it and pipe down, or you can read what they’ve got here.”
“You know, I wouldn’t need a damn book if they didn’t sit my ass out in a waiting room for all eternity…”
“Honey, please…”
“And you know why they make you wait out here, don’t ya? They want to heighten yer anxiety, that’s why! Raise yer heart rate, peak yer blood pressure and tighten yer bowels in one fell swoop so….”
“… they can fop off whatever silly sugar pills they’ve concocted in some back room to extort the wages of a working man…”
“Lev, dear….”
“…Charge ya ninety gawdamn dollars for their crazy pree-scriptions, like they’re selling snake oil that could reanimate Kennedy, God rest his soul, if they’d only kept the sumbitch on ice…”
“Leverle Monroe Federton, you just hush up THIS INSTANT!”
“Mista Levy Earl Federton???”Mispronunciation aside, his name came as the sound of shattering glass immerging through the murky fog of a dream. He looked up from the dime-store trash novel to see a bulbous nurse that bore a striking resemblance to a pear perched atop two drinking straws standing at the office door bemusedly gazing at him. Lev’s entire being was petrified, minus the area that he came here to fix, and thus he sat frozen in his chair for several seconds before a gentle pat from Judith prompted him out of it. Stepping towards the door, Lev was suddenly burdened with the notion that if he hadn’t had trouble urinating before coming into this office, he would certainly have difficulties after leaving it.