Thursday, April 30, 2009

Apartment 367 - Deluge or Delusion

I don't quite know why...
but she asked me if I was using two fingers.
I wasn't.

She was shifting her hips
like she was riding a rocking horse in the air adjacent to my bed-
massaging my fingertip against her button

I lost a bit of my mind with her every motion.
My hard-line masochistic streak keeps me
blindly stumbling into these situations--
and I'm not sure what I am surrendering
by not surrendering...

A sin is a sin is a sin is a sin is a sin is a sin is a sin
is oblivion.
The hell I've walled myself into
is no less excruciating
because I've espoused some moral imperative.
Penetration is penetration,
whether by word, flesh or sword...

Another breathy moan from the direction of my headboard,
and I realize I'm sinking deeper into thought
as I'm sinking deeper into her...
suffering a disconnect
in the midst of this connection.

To be honest, I couldn't remember her name right now
if you had a magnum pressed to my skull
rather than sheathed over my dick.

I'm fairly certain sex is just an act for her;
A way to sate some salacious craving without feeling pitiable.
I could be anyone, as long as I was someone
who was no one special.
I'm essentially a dildo with a pulse...

and a

I'm not sure she counted on the second part.

Her breathing quickened,
my member stiffened
and I realized that I've been aloof in atonement for the moment
I forgot
one unyielding truth...

Whereas making love is an act of creation,
is an act of destruction :
It should not be performed if you don't intend to do damage--

I don't quite know why...
but she asked if she could cum on my fingers...
Ironically, I couldn't give a fuck.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Scarecrow IV: Young Lust - AkA Syd Barrett's Sydnrome

The trick is to keep breathing. These little calamities occur from time to time, but you can't allow the superstructure of your ego to fracture and dissipate due to them. When you're navigating your way through the thick underbrush of a forest, you don't simply stop hiking because you trip over a root. You pick yourself up, and proceed with more caution from that point forward. You just have to gauge your pace based upon your environment. Thus far, I have had two extremely productive weeks in Baltimore with one slight hiccup. That's it.

So why have I broken out in the first cold sweat I've encountered in years? It certainly wasn't the death of the child... I've done
far worse to far better people. Perhaps it's the circumstances that surrounded that evening. The task was certainly not performed with my usual grace and efficiency-- but that shouldn't be enough to shake my confidence.

I've been taking lives for the better portion of my own... I first felt the sweet surrender of another humans soul at the tender age of 12. That was a scenario that I have vividly reconstructed in my head with religious fervor.

I was inordinately awkward as a child, given my rather disassociate nature with my contemporaries and various character oddities, and often the subject of ridicule. I suppose my daily attire of a white collared-shirt and black necktie certainly assisted in relegating me to the realm of the queer and unusual in the minds of my contemporaries. Many of the larger boys in my class felt the need to ostracize me at every opportunity, verbally accosting me in the classroom and physically abusing me in the absence of any authority figures. As I was the product of a Southern Baptist home, I did my best to show restraint when brutalized by others. It was, as I was told, the proper Christian thing to do. However, after years of perpetual abuse one's tolerance wanes at the drop of a hat... and a great many other edifices will crumble along with it.

So it was in my twelfth year, whilst walking home from school on a blustery October afternoon (I recall the month because of the gaudy decorations adorning many of the houses along my path... the world felt permeated with devilry) I happened upon a cadre of trouble-making teens setting fire to a small dog they'd significantly wounded. The discourtesy done to the animal was not particularly abhorrent to me... I had often dabbled in animal cruelty as a means to procure a peek at a fresh viscera... However, two of these scoundrels had regularly brutalized me in a particularly venomous fashion, so I rather sincerely doubted I would escape the encounter unscathed. Without hesitating to calculate the odds, I plunged headlong into the pack of boys before they could take complete notice of me.

There was not a great disparity in size between myself and the other individuals. I was certainly not picked on due to diminutive stature... it was my timid disposition that made me an easy target. Thus when I barreled into Aaron Belie, the sandy haired alpha-male of the group, my momentum alone blew him off his feet and down atop the flaming canine. The other boys were understandably startled, as their fearless leader was now smoldering on top of a mewling dog. Using the distraction to my advantage, I fell atop Aaron's squirming form (subsequently crushing the pooch pyre in the process), pressing my knee firmly into his abdomen and proceeding to choke the boy as violently as I could.

Something that is quite worthy of note here is the disparity between the general expectation of how long it takes for someone to succumb to asphyxia and the actual time necessary to strangle someone. Whoever perpetuated the idea that, like Uncle Ben's rice, two minutes is all you need was a complete idiot. Granted, the human body can retain the requisite amount of carbon dioxide to expire after that time; however, to completely close off someone's air-way for that length of time takes a considerable amount of strength and energy. That is even if the subject is much smaller than yourself, and putting up little or no resistance. Now, given that this particular individual was equal in size and strength to myself, there was little or no chance I'd be able to strangle him to death without possessing a considerable amount of experience in such matters. As I did not, we merely wrestled around on the ground for a few minutes with him retching and gasping for breath before I regained my sanity and realized the futility of my actions.

Luckily, as it stands, most human beings can be easily shocked into a petrified state. When tragedy strikes, most folks will stand dumbfounded as any deer transfixed by high beams... As it stands, this fact was in my favor. This group of scoundrels outnumbered me significantly, and at any moment could have pried me away from their compatriot then beaten me senseless if the notion had occurred to them. However, they stood idly by and not only watched me choke him, but refused to come forward during my brief moment of indecision when I released my stranglehold.

It is quite unnerving to leap into a situation such as this without truly contemplating the consequences of one's actions and be thwarted. Your energy is sapped fairly quickly, your resolve ebbs and then you're left drained and confused. Aaron gazed up at me with an overwhelmed, panic-stricken glare as he gasped for breath. Seeing the fear radiating from his eyes somehow triggered some sick frenzy in my head... a bestial blood-lust that until that moment had lay dormant at the base of my skull. Shaking off my previous hesitation I thrust my right thumb down with all the force I could muster directly into his left eye... He wailed, bleating like a lamb being slaughtered, as my finger worked to separate the slimy gelatinous orb free of the socket.

Finally, one of his friends managed to find his testicles and work up the courage to shout.

"Stop it, man! Are you crazy???"

As I finally managed to exorcise the eye (though it was not completely in tact... I was basically pulling pieces out), and proceeded to force the better portion of the mucous-y matter into his mouth as he screamed... the optic nerve was still attached to the bulk of the matter, and I could not work it free enough to get him to swallow it. Quite unfortunate.

Turning to the outspoken boy, I noticed a surge of panic through the group as my attention shifted to them. It was at this exact moment that I first felt a wave of sadistic glee sweep over me, surging through my veins like an adrenalin rush on speed. The zygomatic major muscles contracted in the corners of my mouth, and a cheshire grin crept across my face. Quizzically, I queried,


The silence was resounding. That is, the silence from the peanut gallery. Aaron, the dear boy, was still spitting out globs of eyeball.

"Crazy. Yes... I
am crazy."

With that, I slammed my palm against Aaron's nasal septum with as much force as I could muster. There was a sickening crack, akin to the sound of an over-ripe melon dropped from a great height onto concrete. The formerly rigid frame went limp beneath me. The other boys turned and ran at breakneck speed, scattering likes birds from the underbrush when a predator is afoot.

At that moment, I felt a very severe pelvic pressure that nearly doubled me over atop the two corpses beneath me. My penis throbbed and tingled with violent sensations, and suddenly I felt as though I began urinating watery porridge in violent spurts... With each explosion I jerked spasmodically atop the heap beneath me, my head flying back violently and my limbs constricting around my body as though trying to staunch a wound. I extricated my member from my slacks as quickly as humanly possible (whilst dealing with a blood spattered necktie that flailed in the wind) in an attempt to ascertain what exactly was causing this strange hemorrhaging, only to find a viscous substance similar to diluted lotion smeared around the inside of my underpants and still oozing from the tip of my penis.

Most young men stumble upon the secret bliss of erogeny in the comfort and quiet of their bedrooms, fantasizing over some random amalgam of flesh that passes as a woman in their eyes... I first discovered the disorienting joy of the orgasm whilst astraddle a random amalgam of flesh I'd recently converted from a living organism to a compost heap waiting to filter into the loam. A rather severe price to pay for climax, now that I ponder it... It's strange how often the act of discovery for me is preceded by act of destruction. I suppose you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs...

The question is: with a past like this, why is it that I feel like I'm the one who's cracking?

Apartment 144 - No More Solicitations

We're in the middle of an 8th inning rally and the fucking doorbell rings.

I don't want any magazine subscriptions.

I don't want to buy chocolate bars to fund your eighth grade field trip.

And I don't want to party with you and the other sheep at your goddamn Rock Church.

When I opened the door shirtless

scratching at my stubbly chin

I saw the best job a push-up bra has ever done.

Years ago I remember

being told that a woman's breasts

exist to entice and

to disguise the racing of the heart.

My younger idealistic self

believed those words and may have been seduced by her.

But not me...not anymore.

I closed the door on her face

because they're just tits.

The man that I am now could never

make the heart of a woman flutter.

We lost six to nothing.

Apartment 211 - Put Away in Storage

Nothing wrong with


if your only voice is

buried in a ditch…or worse yet

entombed in a box.

Storage costs are cheap right now.

I’m paying sixty five dollars a month to

keep my own mouth shut.

Why not

plant my voice in a pot on the balcony

next to the flowers that won’t grow?

Hang it in the closet

with shirts and ties and slacks that go unworn?

A place more accessible.

Carry it in my wallet

touching pictures of loved ones

I’ve all but forgotten

behind crumpled receipts, credit cards, and twenty dollar bills

used to buy more silence for myself?

Its too immense, too loud, too emotional…

too important to share with this place.

It can’t be limited to a mere 12x12 existence.

If a page can barely contain

how can anything in this apartment

expect to be real in comparison?

There are too many limits here and not enough margins.

Not enough substance and too many needless things

to simply put my voice on the mantle and wait for it to be heard.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Soft Serve

I'm leaning against a fire hydrant, tacked to the curb like a chimeric concrete-borne cactus, reflecting on the dance of refracted red and blue hues in a glass of ice water. Maybe this is the shock talking, but I'm mostly concerned with who would bring crystal to a car crash. I'm holding a glass of ice water... not a Dixie cup, not a piece of formed plastic... a delicately-crafted, diamond-cut crystal snifter containing a quartet of disintegrating ice cubes.

I can't even recall who handed me the glass, now that I think of it. I just somehow ended up curbside gazing at police lights through brilliant crystal. Who was this catering savior trolling around the site of an accident with stemware suited for dinner parties and wedding receptions? And why hand it to me? I was ostensibly unharmed, cuts and scrapes aside. I was the only individual involved in this collision that wasn't gurney bound and intimate with an oxygen mask. However, I probably look the way Tom Waits on vinyl sounds... and if that doesn't call for a drink, I can't conjure a single fucking sight that does...

Right now, I think the drink is the only thing keeping me from going supernova. Every second I'm transfixed by the transfiguration of light rays is a second I'm not seeing the void behind Jill's eyes as I desperately clung to her hand and pleaded for her to stay with me. It's strange how you suddenly become more comfortable with pleading with a vacancy. When our loved ones are conscious and coherent we find precious little to disclose... but once we see the whites of their eyes we purge our souls like a sorority sister voiding stomach contents.

I take a sip, and the chill coursing down my throat is enough to bring me around for a moment. This scene consists of churning, chaotic waves of humanity: orders soaring over departing sirens, and the agonized cries of one inconsolable creature stranded in the asphalt wasteland. I cannot see him, as he is surrounded by a sea of emergency technicians... as such, I have to presume this is the man who has deprived me of everything that I hold dear in this world. I can't for the life of me understand why he's wailing- and strangely enough I can't force myself to care. There are too many pieces of my future shattered on the pavement in front of me, so conjuring any of my sense of empathy at this point is difficult...


I'm being addressed... I know this more from the feeling of proximity and the weight of a stare being leveled at me than by registering any auditory stimulus. I feel as though my head is completely submerged in water, and I'm merely reacting to ripples in the liquid.

I make eye contact with the individual before me, but all that I can register is a vacuous blur of muscle and flesh. I note no defining characteristics-- I don't believe I even registered gender of the individual... I'm even approximating where I know instinctively the eyes are housed in the human skull... I lack the capacity to actually seek out it's eyes; I simply know that looking someone dead in the face is the easiest way to feign acknowledgment without audible response.

"Are you all right? Is there anything that I can do for you?"

I've shaken my head synaptically... there are rituals to be adhered to, and in polite society one simply cannot let a question go unanswered: even rhetorical ones, it seems. I'd like to say that the timber of the voice implied genuine concern-- but my mind always seems to imbue any question of my well-being with a tone of condescension or pity. I certainly can't envision breaking with that habit in this state, either...

Right now I feel like a cardboard cutout of myself being moved along a paper facsimile of the world by the hand of an aimless child. I have suffered a complete disconnect from reality... By the time that I've registered the absence of a body before me the individual has long since vacated their previous position, and I'm alone again in the void.

It's strange that the most brutal anguish is often suffered in silence- My tears have long since been spent, and were cast from my eyes in a graveyard quietude... other than the sounds of my retching. I can't imagine that I could have suffered any more in my life than I have in the last 2 hours-- yet, I have simply sat stoically staring through this glass since the ambulance pulled away from the curb and left me here to rot on the pavement. Again, perhaps the shock has kept me from breaking into hysterics, but I can't honestly see how an uncontrolled outbreak of emotion would benefit anyone at this juncture. I'm much more comfortable with being completely speechless when falling to pieces... there's less chance of alerting the general public to one's tenuous grip on sanity.

At the moment my wedding ring feels like a millstone dragging my hand into an inferno... I can still easily envision the first time Jill slid it onto my finger-- that metal band imbued with the blissful burden of care and responsibility, reminding me that I had inexorably bound my fate to hers. However, I can't conjure these images now... It would push me past the threshold of quiet composure that I've fought so diligently to maintain. Still, this irregular looking-glass is providing a kaleidoscopic movie screen where a million memories are tearing at the fabric of my sanity and begging to break through... so how can I possibly dismiss them wholly?

The thing that kills me about love is that it imbues trivialities with a state of profound significance over time. As an example, the first time I kissed Jill she was chewing a piece of spearmint gum... I believe this was the first time I had enjoyed the bliss of a fully-flavored kiss-- meaning not marred by the savor of sour saliva. From that moment on, the scent of spearmint became some strange passport back to that event for me... the key to some cerebral quantum leap that bridged time and distance to place me in the warmth of that particular embrace.

Funny, but I can't help feeling these thoughts will unravel me eventually... For the rest of my life I'll be replaying the insignificant argument that she and I were engaged in before the fabric of reality folded in on us. As is typical with trivial conversation, I can't really remember what had spurred the argument in the first place. What I can recall is during the course of our argument we fell upon the topic of the amount of profanity that I used in casual conversation. For a reason I was too daft to grasp on the first pass, she had decided to take umbrage with the crass nature of my general lexicon when I was attempting to be comedic.

"I just don't think that the word
fuck is necessarily the best way to punctuate a joke, hon."

"Obviously... You're a woman who's never put Tabasco sauce on her scrambled eggs."

"Okay... what exactly does that have to do with your potty mouth? You're blaming it on Tabasco?"

"What I'm saying is that there is a reason they refer to the apex of a joke as a 'punch-line.' It's intended to hammer home the humor... it's a jarring shock to the listener. It's what injects the comedy into a mundane situation or statement. The word fuck, when used in conjunction with a punchline, is an easy additive to utilize to help you reach a fever pitch."

She gave me a quizzical look, which normally meant that she was simply refusing to see the forest for the trees. The woman and I are both infamous for being pigheaded. Perhaps I should say were.

"For instance, 'What about the phrase
Hold the pickles? don't you understand...' works as a punchline. However, swap that out with 'What about Hold the fuckin' pickles? don't you understand...' is more exclamatory."

Still refusing to budge an inch, she resolutely set her feet (so to speak) and decided to alter her plan of attack.

"Well, Mr. 25 cent vocabulary... I don't see exactly why it is that a man who just used the word 'conjunction' has to resort to being a potty mouth to get people to laugh."

Undaunted, I plugged on.

"Often because my vocabulary alienates me from the general public... It makes them feel as though I carry an air of superiority because I'm articulate. So, I throw in the profanity as a means to bridge the gap between us... make me more of a commoner."

"So now I'm a commoner?"

"I wasn't directing that statement at
you, dearest. Must you be so quick to take offense where none was intended?"

"Says the man who starts an argument over my asking him to filter his language a little."

"I just don't see what exactly spurred this sudden aversion to profanity... It's a little unprecedented."

"I've always had a problem with it, Marcus. I just happened to be more capable of tolerating it in the past."

After a brief surge of frustration shot through my veins, I decided to bite.

"And what's changed?"

A pregnant silence hung in the air between us... Like the smell of stale fish, it could not be ignored. Knowing that silence in response to such a question never bodes well, I attempted to change the subject as quickly as possible. Seeing a quaint Italian eatery to my left, I decided I could inject some levity.

"You know what? I could really go for some Italian food right now..."

Then, throwing on a cliche Italian accent, I added, "Pasta, mama?"

She didn't laugh. Not even a trace of a smile cracked the veneer of the pallid mask she was wearing. Staring into the floorboard, she simply uttered her retort in an empty, toneless fashion.

"You shouldn't act this way if you're going to be someone's father someday..."

Looking back on it now, I certainly didn't process her implication on the first pass. I hardly see how I could have... From the moment we first discussed parenthood a few months into our relationship Jill had unrelentingly denied she had any inclination to be a mother. Even on the eve of our matrimony, with her family insisting that we would shortly provide them a skittering batch of progeny she claimed that she was far too much of a career woman to ever really be a decent maternal figure. Taking this into account, I responded the only way I knew how... with sarcasm.

"I don't plan to be..."

"Well, maybe you should..."

That's when I felt the impact... the world began to revolve on an off axis, like a carousel ride on crank. It's ironic that a car careening down a side street like a man on fire would happen to barrel into the passenger side of our automobile at the exact moment my wife insinuated she was carrying my child.

"It looks like you could use some more water..."

I'm being addressed... I know this more from the feeling of proximity and the weight of a stare being leveled at me than by registering any auditory stimulus. Looking up I see young woman in black tailored slacks, a white dress shirt and green apron hovering above me with a large crystal decanter-- no doubt the cousin of the snifter that I currently had in-hand. I suppose I had made a reservation at the Italian restaurant after all.

As a tear begins to break the barricade of my composure I slowly shake my head in dissent. There are rituals to be adhered to, and in polite society one simply cannot let a question go unanswered...