Thursday, April 23, 2009

Apartment 211 - Put Away in Storage

Nothing wrong with


if your only voice is

buried in a ditch…or worse yet

entombed in a box.

Storage costs are cheap right now.

I’m paying sixty five dollars a month to

keep my own mouth shut.

Why not

plant my voice in a pot on the balcony

next to the flowers that won’t grow?

Hang it in the closet

with shirts and ties and slacks that go unworn?

A place more accessible.

Carry it in my wallet

touching pictures of loved ones

I’ve all but forgotten

behind crumpled receipts, credit cards, and twenty dollar bills

used to buy more silence for myself?

Its too immense, too loud, too emotional…

too important to share with this place.

It can’t be limited to a mere 12x12 existence.

If a page can barely contain

how can anything in this apartment

expect to be real in comparison?

There are too many limits here and not enough margins.

Not enough substance and too many needless things

to simply put my voice on the mantle and wait for it to be heard.

1 comment:

Daedalus said...

It's odd... but I feel isolated even as I read this. There's a very palpable dissociative quality to this (for me), and it's intriguing. Great lines, as per usual. Many a potent quotable-- Enthusiastic thumbs!