Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Apartment 321 - The Sin of Omission

I erased your voice-mails today;
      the only remaining evidence
      that we ever loved each other.

    I won't lie;
      they were hard to let go of...

      The notes I could part with-
        penmanship doesn't encapsulate you.

        The e-mails jettisoned into cyberspace
          without fanfare...

          The pictures were in the garbage
              before you'd even left the parking lot.

I've found the flames of rage
          consume indiscriminately.
      Like a bruise,
          black will fade to blue
      until it looks worse than it feels.

        the voice-mails gave me pause.

Your voice emitting from that ear-piece
hit like a sucker-punch to a glass jaw.

              It took me twenty minutes to punch 7
                  and put the defibrillating pads to my amnesia.

Whoever coined the phrase
      easy as the push of a button
never used one to erase the last
                  "I love you"
      he'd ever hear in a voice he was desperate to save...

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