Thursday, May 21, 2009

Apartment 206 - Even the Dead Need to Eat

Another year gone and I can’t
believe I’ve still got this millstone on my finger.
Crossing the threshold
as a married woman filtered me;
out of the world and
into the kitchen.

I used to write.
I used to be funny.
I used to be caring.
I used to run.
I used to be passionate.
I used to have a home.
I used to be in love.
I used to be a lot of things but
with every revolution these things fell away from me.
A friend gone here.
A dream lost there.

I jumped into the colander faithfully and
came back with dinner…and with all the
important pieces of myself missing
like the Wizard of Oz characters rolled into one.

This year our anniversary
fell on the day of the resurrection.
And as someone who needs to believe in such things
I was hoping this day would be enough
to bring our relationship back to life.
But watching him lay there
I’m reminded of the flood instead, and
with the rest of the dead we’ll just wash away.

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