Monday, May 4, 2009

Apartment 316- No Place Like Home

The redneck got arrested last night.

The bastard was barking back at dogs
and belting shots of scotch well-before sundown.
You could say he and the sun were collectively sinking...

Nights like these
breed pregnant silences
in-between the outbursts--
I sit as poised for the next eruption
as a child quivering under covers for fear of thunderclaps-

Another howl,
presumably bellowing for beer)
then he's batting his live-in lap straddler
around the apartment beneath me.

With every strike
the drywall learns a lesson
this ignorant bitch
can't comprehend:

Some things will
never change.
The world will change around them...

The cops will come,
the cuffs go on,
and the problem is put on pause for a night--
but he'll be back with the sunrise.

They'll reconcile,
because all the while
he's the
real victim.
He is his addiction's bitch,
and she is only hooked on him.
Misery does want for company.

He'll promise he'll be different.
She'll actually believe him.
They'll be back to battering their plaster
with the reverberations of orgasms and arguments...

I found out long ago that a drunkard's apologies are
essentially counterfeit currency.
I just took it for common knowledge.

Maybe it is...

Maybe love for some people
is the emotional equivalent of living in tornado alley...
They'll cope with ceaseless shit storms
because they're too lazy to move.

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